

7 August, 2024

Aggregate stableford at Timboon

TWENTY-two players enjoyed an aggregate stableford at the Timboon Golf Club last Saturday.

The winners with 75 points were Rob Berger and Chris Harkness.

Runners-up were Todd Brunt and Geoff Norton on 71 points, followed by Chris Huffadine and Peter Plozza on 68.

Nearest the pins: 5th Steve Plozza, 7th Todd Brunt, 10th Barry Cook and 14th Steve Plozza.

Chris Harkness won the Nutrien ball with his second shot to the 11th.

Thursday’s 12 hole chicken day was won by Mark Tribe with 26 points from Neil Gowland on 25.

Gordon Broderick won nearest the pin.

Next Saturday will be stableford.

Read More: Timboon


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