

29 February, 2024

Athletes enjoy fun run

JUST over 30 members of the Camperdown Little Athletics Club took part in last Friday night’s Terang-Noorat Fun Run.

By wd-news

Athletes enjoy fun run - feature photo

A mix of athletes, parents and committee members enjoyed the event.

The walkers were the first off at 6.20pm and were soon followed by (and overtaken) by the running crew at 6.45pm.

A beautiful night, not too hot, no rain, but a strong headwind at some points of the course made for a perfect chance for some PBs and a great hit out.

The club had some incredible results with four athletes in the top 20 in the run event.

Stella Horspole took out the win in her section while another athlete finished in the top 10 in the walk, as well as many in the top 50.

Congratulations to Riley, Daine and Pippa for their exceptional results in the run, Jackenzie Sharp for taking out the win in the women’s walk and also to Luca who was rewarded with a spot prize and finished the race with a big smile.

The CLAC44 community is a great one and it was heartening to see so many families supporting local events.

Just a reminder the LAVic state championships are being held at the Knox Athletic Centre on March 9 and 10.

The centre will be represented by Taj, Ava, Riley and Molly.

The club wishes these four athletes well for the event.

Friday will see members return after the week away from the oval and this will be the final week of the 2023/2024 season.

The last night will be a Superhero themed night with all athletes encouraged to dress up as their favourite superhero (and this can be from TV, Movies, Books or closer to home) for a gold coin donation from all athletes to support the centre’s Royal Children’s Hospital yearly donation.

The club will be collecting all hired uniforms at the start of the night before events get underway (please be aware that the night may run slightly longer with this and the hope of having all athletes to complete a walks event).

The annual presentation night will be held on March 22 and the AGM will be at a date to be confirmed in the coming week.

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