
General News

22 August, 2023

Bird box initiative a success

A GROUP of Cobden Technical School students have been helping to breathe life into Lake Cobden.

By Support Team

Helping out: Cobden Technical School student Ewen Robbins places a bird box around Lake Cobden with the assistance of Hands-on Learning program leader Reinier Bouman.
Helping out: Cobden Technical School student Ewen Robbins places a bird box around Lake Cobden with the assistance of Hands-on Learning program leader Reinier Bouman.

A GROUP of Cobden Technical School students have been helping to breathe life into Lake Cobden.

The students, who are part of the Hands-on Learning program at the school have been completing work at Lake Cobden, including building and installing six birdboxes around the lake.

Teacher Reinier Bouman said eight students in Year 7 to 9 are involved in the Hands-on Learning program at the school this year.

He said the students completed the project across three Wednesday sessions.

“They enjoyed it,” Mr Bouman said.

“It was a very positive day for everyone.

“We loved it.”

He said the bird box project was the first opportunity the group had to contribute to the community.

“We wanted to do something useful for the community,” Mr Bouman said.

“It’s just one of the things we will do.”

Progressing Cobden’s Kelvin White commended the students on their efforts.

“We were pleased the group took the opportunity to add to the lake precinct in a very innovative way,” he said.

“The six birdboxes have already attracted positive attention from both the Cobden and feathered communities.

“Advice on the best positioning of the boxes was sourced through community contacts.”

Mr White said the committee was always “rapt” when organisations or individuals support the committee’s voluntary efforts at the lake.

“This type of creative contribution is truly appreciated,” he said.

“The students enjoyed their work and were well-supported by the staff members with them.”


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