4 September, 2024
Bitterns draw a crowd
LOCAL landholders were given an opportunity to learn about bitterns at a session held at Lake Elingamite recently.

The event was a celebration of the Bitterns on Farms project, and also gave attendees a chance to observe local waterbirds and learn about bitterns.
The Bitterns on Farms project was a partnership between BirdLife Australia and the Heytesbury District Landcare Network (HDLN).
The purpose of the project was to improve the conservation outcomes for bitterns, which are one of the most threatened waterbird.
In the first two years of the project, 21 farms have been visited and more than 100 different bird species observed, including 10 species listed as threatened in Victoria.
Bitterns were found on nine of the properties and four were identified as potential booming areas.
HDLN project officer Kate Leslie said she was pleased with how the event went.
“It was fabulous,” she said.
“There was 40-45 people there.
“It was a lovely grassroots landcare vibe.”
Ms Leslie said the session had received positive feedback from attendees.
“Some of the feedback was people loved watching the birds with the experts and some loved BirdLife Australia’s Chris Purnell’s presentation on bitterns,” she said.
“This area is considered to be understudies in regards to birdlife.
“If people want to get in contact to help study the birds they can.”
To contact Ms Leslie via email at