
General News

8 February, 2024

Brunch served fresh off the hot plate

PANCAKES will be on offer for the Mortlake community next week.

By wd-news

Tasty treat: Volunteers at the Mortlake Uniting Church will be serving up a delicious morning tea and lunch next week, and everyone is invited.
Tasty treat: Volunteers at the Mortlake Uniting Church will be serving up a delicious morning tea and lunch next week, and everyone is invited.

Mortlake Uniting Church volunteer Heather Rowe said excitement was building for the return of Pancake Day – which this year will be held on Thursday, February 15.

Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday, marks the traditional day of feast prior to the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday in the 40 days leading to Easter.

The Uniting Church will open the doors to its halls from 10am through to 1pm with a team of volunteers readying to cook up a delicious morning tea or lunch.

“All are welcome if you would like to come along and enjoy a pancake,” Mrs Rowe said.

“We will have apple and cinnamon, maple syrup, lemon sugar and even some ice cream.

“We’ll also have tea and coffee, all for $5.

“We will also be delivering up the street all day to businesses where people have placed their orders.”

Mrs Rowe said the Uniting Church Hall was traditionally full of people enjoying Pancake Day as an anticipated social event, enjoying a morning of good conversation and tasty treats.

“Come along and enjoy the fellowship in the hall,” she said.

Read More: Mortlake


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