31 May, 2024
C’mite draft budget open for feedback
CORANGAMITE Shire residents are encouraged to have their say on the $69 million 2024-2025 Draft Budget.
The budget was developed to ensure the financial position remains sustainable while supporting the community through a range of initiatives and projects.
Some major budget initiatives included in the 2024-2025 budget include:
Capital works - $28.57 million
Council Grant Program - $465,000
Events delivery - $200,000
Lower Curdies River Flood Study - $200,000
Climate Change Strategy implementation -$40,000.
The capital works program include:
Completion of the multi-year Port Campbell Town Centre Revitalisation Project ($11 million)
Roads ($8.30 million) – including rehabilitation, strategic local road upgrades, resheeting and resealing. Excluding Port Campbell Town Centre Revitalisation Project listed separately
Waste Management ($2.99 million) – including investment in the Naroghid landfill site to accommodate for the increased volumes, renewal of buildings at the Skipton and Port Campbell transfer stations and a Composting system trial
Buildings ($1.09 million) including floor replacement at Terang Hall and Timboon stadium, library façade and furniture refresh and solar battery power project at Council’s landfill
Plant and Equipment ($3.66 million) including significant investments of a compactor at landfill, a replacement jet patcher for road maintenance, street sweeper and ongoing cyclical replacement of the plant vehicle fleet.
The budget will deliver a $3.87 million operating surplus and will see council remain debt free for a fourth year. Some budget initiatives are contingent upon securing Federal or State Government funding.
Mayor Kate Makin said council remained committed to maintaining local roads and advocating to the State and Federal Governments for further improvements to the arterial road network.
“This draft budget allocates $8.5 million to road rehabilitation, roads to recovery projects, resheeting and resealing,” she said.
Some of the major road projects include rehabilitation of:
Cooriemungle Road (0.88km) - $350,000
Crawfords Road (1 km) - $243,000
Danedite Road (1.1 km) - $389,000
Hinkleys Road (1.68 km) - $403,000
Hospital Road, Baileys Road to Leahys Lane, Timboon - $233,000
Widening and rehabilitation of Rands Road, Timboon, from Morgan Street to Church Street - $200,000.
“Another $1.24 million is allocated to the gravel road resheeting program,” Cr Makin said.
“Funding set aside to complete the Port Campbell Town Centre Revitalisation Project includes $7 million for roads, $3 million for footpaths and cycleways and $1 million for open spaces.”
Another major project is installation of a $420,000 footpath from Bowen Street to the Lakes and Craters Holiday Park in Camperdown.
The proposed budget includes a rate increase of 2.75 per cent within the State Government’s rate capping framework which has capped rate increases in Victorian councils.
The differential rates include a reduction in the Farm Rate from 87.50 per cent to 87 per cent and increase in vacant industrial land from 142.50 per cent to 150 per cent in accordance with the adopted Revenue and Rating Plan.
Cr Makin said the budget also included $100,000 each for improvements at pools and libraries, and energy and water saving measures at council facilities.
“The waste management charge will increase by 5.35 per cent to reflect the impact of inflation on the costs associated with the service,” she said.
“It also includes the introduction of the new kerbside glass collection service mandated by the State Government’s Recycling Victoria: A new economy plan.”
Council Grant Programs continue to be supported with:
Ready Now Grants - $25,000
Community Grants Funding - $50,000
Enabling Grants program - $20,000
Small Business Assistance Program - $140,000
Business Façade Improvement Program - $50,000
Facility Grants - $50,000
Facility Design Grants - $30,000
Environment Support Grants - $50,000
Events and Festivals Funding - $50,000.
Cr Makin encouraged residents to get a copy of the draft budget and have their say.
It can be downloaded from Hard copies are also available by calling council on 5593 7100.
Anyone wishing to provide feedback on the proposed Budget can do so in writing, addressed to Chief Executive Officer, Corangamite Shire Council, PO Box 84, Camperdown, 3260.
Residents can also provide feedback online at Written and online feedback must be received before 5pm on Monday, June 10.
Anyone providing feedback may request that they (or their representative) appear in person to present in support. Presentations will be in person to a committee of council from 10am on Tuesday, June 11.
Council will meet to consider adoption of the Budget on Tuesday, June 25 at 7pm at the Killara Centre.
For further information about the budget contact shire manager finance Jacqui Thomas, on 5593 7100.