
General News

29 February, 2024

Carers invited to fun day out

CARERS across the Corangamite Shire will have an opportunity to relax and unwind at a community day next month.

By wd-news

Support day: Carers across the Corangamite Shire, like Timboon’s Eva Vickers, are encouraged to attend one of two Carefoot Bowls Day’s in the shire.
Support day: Carers across the Corangamite Shire, like Timboon’s Eva Vickers, are encouraged to attend one of two Carefoot Bowls Day’s in the shire.

Two events – dubbed Carefoot Bowls Community Day - will be held in the shire for carers to attend.

The first event will be held on Monday, March 4 at the Timboon Bowling Club in Fox Street between 3.30pm and 6pm.

The second event will be held on Friday, March 15 at the Camperdown Bowling Club at 8 Thornton Street, Camperdown between 3.30pm and 6pm.

Mpower senior carer services co-ordinator Judi Mutsaers said there had been strong interest from carers already connected with them.

“The challenge is to find those who don’t identify as being a carer, are reluctant to ask for help, or don’t know where to find it,” she said.

“We often don’t meet carers until they’re in crisis, people who’ve been absorbing the mental, physical and financial stress of caring without any support, until they’re completely burnt out and we want to stop people from getting to that point.

“We encourage anyone in a caring role, no matter how big or small they think it might be, to come along to a Carefoot Bowls day and find out more.”

The aim of the events is to connect carers with service providers and support groups and to have some time out from their caring role.

Ms Mutsaers said community bowls clubs are a “conduit” to a range of networks in rural and regional towns and an untapped resource for raising awareness and reaching hidden carers.

“At the conclusion of each event we hope to find a team of carers to represent each club at a Carefoot Bowls tournament in Warrnambool to further raise awareness of carers and the work that they do,” she said.

“We want as many local service providers, carers and community members to attend as possible, will provide food, music, massages for carers, some fun bowling action and links to our carer support groups for ongoing assistance.”

Mpower was one of 25 not-for-profit organisations in the state to receive funding to support local carers.

“We’re grateful to Carers Victoria for funding this project and the Timboon and Camperdown bowling clubs for getting involved,” Ms Mutsaers said.

“I’d also like to stress that both events are open to everyone in the community to drop in.

“The wonderful Jo Wallis from Kimochi Therapies will be providing free head, neck or hand massages, we’re hoping to get the Lakes and Craters Band to play some tunes, there’ll be a free barbecue and everyone is welcome to try their hand at barefoot bowls.”

Timboon’s Eva Vickers, who has been a full time carer for husband Graham since 2015, said she is looking forward to attending the day.

“I think just having a fun day without the mental load for having to care for someone is a positive,” she said.

“It’s fun to also be with people that know what your going through and understand.

“We understand each other.”

Mrs Vickers said she joined Mpower in November last year after becoming aware of the service through Timboon and District Healthcare Service.

“I’m really enjoying the monthly meeting,” she said.

“I know people are hesitant to go on their own. I encourage people to attend.”

Mrs Vickers encouraged residents in the shire who might not think of themselves as carers to reach out to Mpower.

She said it is important to make the most of support available.

“I think anyone that is considering, or even thinking about their role as a carer, to join in on these sort of things. It can really help,” Mrs Vickers said.

“If you don’t get the support you’re going to burn yourself out; it’s the mental load as well.

“I think it’s really important that people access the support that’s out there.”

Ms Mutsaers encouraged carers or community members wanting to attend either event to contact Mpower reception on 5561 8111 and register.


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