General News
6 March, 2024
Cement truck rollover
EMERGENCY services were called to a fully laden cement truck which rolled in the Cobden-Port Campbell Road.

Camperdown police sergeant David Gaw said the incident occurred about 7am on Saturday.
“He was travelling from Terang to Port Campbell,” he said.
“He has lost it on the bend and tipped, the reason why is still being investigated.
“He was extracted from the truck with no injuries.”
The male driver was taken to Warrnambool Hospital for observation following the incident.
Sgt Gaw said the driver was “very lucky” to not suffer any serious injuries.
He said the road was closed for most of the day to allow emergency services to clear the scene.
“We had a bit of trouble pulling the truck upright, it was fully laden and the cement was starting to harden adding a bit of weight,” Sgt Gaw said.
“All services were on scene.”
The incident occurred on the Cobden-Port Campbell Road near Savages Corner, which is notorious for accidents.

Read More: Cobden