

1 March, 2024

Change of guard

MAX Wines has taken over the role of president of the Corangamite Sportsman’s Club for 2024.

By wd-news

Mr Wines was appointed to the position at the club’s recent annual meeting and will replace outgoing president Ron Cameron who served in the role for the past six years.

The club thanked Cameron for his long dedication to the role and acknowledged his generous donations towards the dinner raffles during this time.

He remains involved in the club as a sports panel and general committee member.

Wines brings to the role new ideas as the club looks to expand its membership base throughout the Corangamite Shire.

He will be well supported by incoming vice-president Gary Fryers and treasurer Susan Horspole who takes over the position from Kevin Russell.

It is anticipated the new-look committee will give an injection of experience and ideas to continue to support sport across the shire.

Six bowlers and four golfers from the club recently attended the SAA (Sportsman’s Association of Australia Victorian division) annual sports day in Bendigo.

The day was held in great spirits, with fierce but friendly rivalry between clubs from Bendigo, Cresswick and Ballarat.

The Neangar Park track was a little difficult to master this time around and the lawn bowlers also found a similar experience.

While there were no victories on the day, all players had a great day out.

The Corangamite Sportsman’s Club welcomes new members. Anyone interested is urged to call in to Benallack’s Sports.

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