
General News

14 December, 2023

Charge scheme approved for new footpath

CORANGAMITE Shire Council has declared a special charge scheme for the installation of a footpath on Cameron Street.

By wd-news

Charge scheme approved for new footpath - feature photo

The 568-metre concrete footpath will be installed on the eastern side of Cameron Street from Neil Avenue to McWilliam Street in Terang.

The report before councillors stated the construction would be of high community benefit for neighbouring residents and the wider community enjoying physical exercise.

Preliminary letters and survey forms were sent to 13 abutting property residents in August this year, with five indicating support and five opposing the proposition.

Councillors held an onsite meeting with property owners where concerns were raised regarding existing drainage issues.

Interim works including clearing of the drains was undertaken and council will monitor any further issues.

The proposed declaration went out on public notice from October, with council reporting no submissions received during the 28-day period.

The works were estimated to cost $94,643.

Based on the perceived community benefit it was recommended council should cover 75 per cent of the total cost, with abutting owners to fund a combined $23,661.

The motion was moved by Cr Geraldine Conheady, who said the construction would heighten safety for pedestrians.

“There’s no doubt the footpath will provide exceedingly high community benefit in the Cameron Street area,” she said.

“It does get used frequently by walkers and mothers with prams.

“We had quite extensive consultation with the property owners along there. It will provide much safer passage for users of Cameron Street because presently there is quite a steep roadside.

“I think this is a good decision and I think the footpath will be highly appreciated.”

Cr Gstrein praised the community benefits the construction would provide.

“Council will contribute 75 per cent of the total cost of this project and appreciate 25 per cent is still pretty substantial and can be a financial impost on some of the owners,” she said.

“With a special charge scheme people are able to apply to council to pay it in instalments rather than having to pay money up front, so anyone who is experiencing any financial hardship please get in touch with council.

“I think it is a good project and certainty did draw to our attention the issue residents were having with drainage, and we had a second visit to look at the drainage and those works were carried out.

“It’s a really good outcome.”

The motion was carried unanimously.


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