8 May, 2024
Curdies’ Tales set to be reprinted for residents
AFTER a successful book launch late last month, residents will be able to purchase a copy of ‘Curdies Tales: Stories of the River’ by its people.
Timboon Agriculture Project co-ordinator Andrea Vallance said due to the success of the book launch, Timboon P-12 School is offering copies of the student-produced book for sale.
“This 2023 Year Nine Humanities project is a legacy building Timboon Agriculture Project initiative that serves to instil a sense of time and place as students recorded and published the histories of people who lived, worked and relaxed in the Curdies River catchment area,” she said.
“During the project, students discovered more about their world; hearing stories of floods, dobbies, fishing, the lime works, swimming lessons, fish hotels, wildlife, the pranks played by children as well as the excitement of watching poachers at night with some wonderful narratives shared and enjoyed.
“It is hoped that a better understanding of the science and the social histories of the Curdies catchment would help inspire improved stewardship and greater protection of this fragile bionetwork for future generations.”
To express interest in purchasing a copy of Curdies Tale contact Timboon P-12 School on (attention Raelene) or contact the school on 5598 3381.
Copies of the book are $14.99 each.