

24 May, 2024

“Every little town needs their CFA.”

AS Country Fire Authority (CFA) marks Volunteer Week, a third generation Lismore brigade member is encouraging residents to join the organisation.

By wd-news

An eager family: Lismore CFA brigade second lieutenant Aaron Webster is a third generation CFA member in his family.
An eager family: Lismore CFA brigade second lieutenant Aaron Webster is a third generation CFA member in his family.

Second lieutenant Aaron Webster grew up with both his father and his grandfather being members of the CFA, with his grandfather being captain of the Lismore brigade for a number of years.

Mr Webster even believes there will be a fourth generation Webster joining the CFA in the coming years.

“I’ve got a young 10 year-old son who’s mad keen on joining the CFA already,” he said.

“That’s what you want in the community, certainly rural communities where we don’t have the number of people like they do in the larger towns or even the cities.

“It makes you feel part of the community. That’s the main thing.

“It’s a big red flash truck with red and blue flashing lights on it, and you’d like to think that the kids like to see that sort of thing as well.”

Mr Webster said joining the CFA was something he felt “we all need to do”.

“The CFA is a good community, and good for the community,” he said.

“Someone needs to do it; someone needs to be there to fight the grassfires or go to road crashes or whatever it is that we have to attend to.

“I’ve learnt a lot through it, not only with the CFA, but with the SES as well.

“It gives you a lot of training and a lot of things you can take into life. It’s been really good for that.”

The CFA is also helped by local farmers, who are often able to respond to incidents with their own fire engines before CFA units respond, something Mr Webster said helped the CFA “immensely.”

Residents interested in finding out more about their local CFA are invited to introduce themselves to their local brigade.

“Go down and see people; go down to their station, find out when their training’s on, or ring their captain or lieutenant and come and join,” Mr Webster said.

“We can never have enough numbers, especially in the rural environment we’re in.

“For young people, or for new people who have moved to town, it’s a great way to meet new people as well.

“Every little town needs their CFA.”

Mr Webster reiterated the CFA’s ‘Give us a hand’ slogan for this year’s National Volunteer Week, saying the CFA “needed” residents to sign up.

“Throughout the CFA right throughout the state, there’s a lot of older members who are looking at slowing down,” he said.

“With the Lismore Fire Brigade, we’re there with open arms for new volunteers.

“The satisfaction you get from helping people is the reason why you do it.

“It’s just one of those things you do for the community.”

Proud of his brigade: Aaron Webster encourages residents to volunteer with their local CFA brigade to meet new people.
Proud of his brigade: Aaron Webster encourages residents to volunteer with their local CFA brigade to meet new people.

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