
General News

9 February, 2024

Fry pans to flip next Tuesday

SAINT Paul’s Anglican Church members are whipping out the frying pans and cracking eggs in preparation for Shrove Tuesday next week.

By wd-news

A flipping good time: Savory and sweet pancakes will be on the menu for the St Paul Anglican Church’s annual Shrove Tuesday event.
A flipping good time: Savory and sweet pancakes will be on the menu for the St Paul Anglican Church’s annual Shrove Tuesday event.

The church will be holding its annual pancake luncheon, the second one to be held since the COVID-19 pandemic, in the church hall on Church Street, Camperdown on February 13.

Camperdown and Holy Apostles Rector reverend Matthew Jones said last year’s event showed people are excited to have the Shrove Tuesday luncheon back.

“They loved it. That’s why we had such a big crowd as well; we always did have big crowds (before COVID-19),” he said.

“It’s for the whole community, not just the church. We host it, but other churches don’t put it on in their churches because they come to support us so there’s one for the community.

“Last year, the noise in here was wonderful; it was just conversation, people catching up and eating up all the lovely food.

“People really missed it and wanted it and came back and supported it.”

Starting from 11.30am, savory pancakes will be served up as a main course, with dessert consisting of sweet pancakes until frying pans are downed at 2pm.

Tea and coffee will be provided throughout the meal, with opportunities to chat and socialise with others.

Rev. Jones said Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day, is a day to remember the upcoming season of fasting, prayer and some self-denial as well as eat what’s left so it is not wasted.

“Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday was the day before Ash Wednesday when people would start the season of Lent and give up rich things for the six weeks of Lent,” he said.

“They would eat up all the leftover foods, so all the eggs, the nice chickens and filling meats got cooked into pancakes on Tuesday.

“Shrove Tuesday is also called Mardi Gras, which is ‘Fat Tuesday so they ate up all the fat.

“The pancakes symbolises eating all the rich things before going into the season of Lent and having a time of fasting, inner reflection, and a lot of people give something up for Lent which takes you right up until Easter.”

No bookings are required prior to the luncheon, but attendees are asked for $10 per person to cover costs.

Read More: Camperdown


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