

22 March, 2024

Gill wins at Camperdown

LAST Wednesday’s event at Camperdown Golf was par and the second leg of the round robin series.

Strong winds and showers made for tough conditions for players.

Once again Gayle Gill (31) claimed the win with +2 while Gabby Gill (18) was runner-up with -2.

Gabby also won the nine hole competition with +1 on the top course.

Nearest the pins: 9th Ros Brauer, 16th Deb Narik, and 17th Gayle Gill.

Balls down the line went to Donna Conheady, Jane Bennett and Chris Farmer.

Next week will be a stableford round.

Next Monday will be the first round of the WDGA women’s division one pennant, starting at 9.30am at Terang.

The Camperdown team to play Terang will be R. Brauer, D. Conheady, T. Baker (captain), G. Gill and J. Hillman.

Read More: Camperdown


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