
General News

8 February, 2024

Heavy rain soars January rainfall numbers

A HEAVY downpour early in 2024 has seen the year begin with rainfall above the long-term expectancy.

By wd-news

Let it rain: Terang and Mortlake experienced rainfall above the long-term average during January, bringing a wet start to 2024.
Let it rain: Terang and Mortlake experienced rainfall above the long-term average during January, bringing a wet start to 2024.

Throughout January 78mm of rain was recorded to have hit the ground in Terang, well above the long-term average of 39.9mm.

The highest daily rainfall occurred on January 8, with a whopping 36.2mm hitting the ground.

In addition, 27.2mm was also recorded on January 17, resulting in 81 per cent of the monthly total falling across just two days.

The figure marked a significant increase from the previous year, with just 12.6mm falling in January 2023.

Similar results were experience in Mortlake with 57.2mm recorded to have hit the ground through January.

The figure was well above the long-term average of 36.7mm during January.

The highest daily rainfall was recorded on January 17, with 26.6mm hitting the ground.

The total brings a wet start to the year after just 12mm was recorded in January 2023.

*All rainfall figures have been collected from the Bureau of Meteorology.

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