General News
1 March, 2023
Hospital to undergo major revamp
TERANG hospital will undergo a significant facelift next month as Terang and Mortlake Health Service embarks on “exciting” works to improve the facility.
TERANG hospital will undergo a significant facelift next month as Terang and Mortlake Health Service embarks on “exciting” works to improve the facility.
The front of the acute hospital campus will be transformed into a user-friendly space with improved access for the community and staff to enjoy.
TMHS chief executive officer Julia Ogdin said the current work plan evolved after it was discovered that the original tree plantings at the entrance to the health service had significantly damaged original plumbing.
“After realising significant works were required, it seemed like the obvious time to complete further building works to complement the entrance to the health service,” she said.
Included in the project will be the addition of a portico area which will add an architecturally sympathetic shelter to the entrance of the health service in order to protect patients and visitors from the elements, particularly when being dropped off and picked up by vehicle.
“It was important to get the design correct as the façade of the health service is heritage listed,” Ms Ogdin said.
“The health service received specialist advice from a heritage advisor working closely with the Corangamite Shire to ensure the design would be appropriate and sympathetic to the architecture of the health service.”
Works are expected to commence in the first half of March and hope to be completed in approximately eight weeks, weather permitting.
Ms Ogdin said TMHS staff was well prepared to ensure disruption was kept to a minimum.
“During the construction period, access to the front entrance of the health service will be closed so alternate access points will be implemented,” she said.
“It’s not the first time that we have utilised alternate access routes for the acute health service, so we are well prepared to make these changes as easy as possible for our community.
“We look forward to improving the comfort and access to the health service for all of our consumers.”