
General News

26 June, 2024

Invigorating swim

BRAVING the chilly waters, a group of keen locals swam from the Port Campbell jetty to the beach to mark the winter solstice.

By wd-news

Winter solstice: Jack Matthews and Huon Glendinning leap into the frigid water for the Port Campbell winter solstice swim. Photo supplied by Raelene Wicks
Winter solstice: Jack Matthews and Huon Glendinning leap into the frigid water for the Port Campbell winter solstice swim. Photo supplied by Raelene Wicks

The group – some in wetsuits, while others just in bathers – marked the occasion with the frigid swim on June 23.

What started as a last-minute winter dare more than 10 years ago has grown into a fun impromptu local event for locals game enough to brave the cold swim, with about 45 people taking part this year.

From swan dives, to cannon balls and even a backflip or two – swimmers launched themselves from the jetty.

They then had a quick swim to shore before donning warm clothing to recover from the icy water.

Attendees were invited to a bowl of hot soup at the Port Campbell Surf Life Saving Club following the swim.

Brrr: About 45 hardy Port Campbell locals made the swim from the jetty to beach to mark the winter solstice this year. Photo courtesy of Raelene Wicks
Brrr: About 45 hardy Port Campbell locals made the swim from the jetty to beach to mark the winter solstice this year. Photo courtesy of Raelene Wicks

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