

26 October, 2023

Life Memberships awarded

MORTLAKE Golf Club has presented life memberships to long-time members Merv Hampson and Bob Ryan.

By wd-news

MORTLAKE Golf Club has presented life memberships to long-time members Merv Hampson and Bob Ryan.

Merv and Bob received their awards during last week’s annual general meeting in recognition of their great service as volunteers over a long period.

The vets’ day on Wednesday October 18 was won by Peter West (37) nett 40 from runner-up John Palmer (27) nett 45.

Nearest the pins went to Merv Hampson and Cliff Palmer.

NAGA was Kevin Etherton.

The vets’ day last Friday was won by Tony McLennan (26) nett 29 from runner-up Peter West (33) nett 44.

Nearest the pins went to Ken Murley, Garry Whitehead and Ben Boers. NAGA: Steve Grinter.

Last Friday’s nine-hole twilight went to Tony McLennan 17-46-29.

Runner-up was Bruce Twaddle 14-48-34 on countback while nearest the pin went to Ben Boers.

Saturday’s stableford event was won by Bruce Twaddle(30) 39 points from Kevin Etherton (9) 32 points on countback from third-placed Andy Lamont (15) 32 points.

Nearest the pins: 3/12 and 9/18 Andy Lamont, 6/15Richard van Diemen.

Balls down the line: Kevin Etherton, Andy Lamont and Richard van Diemen.

Next week’s event is stroke.


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