
General News

9 February, 2024

Minor crash leaves highway mess

POLICE responded to a minor accident near Park Road south of Camperdown on Tuesday morning.

By wd-news

Minor bingle: A minor accident caused some traffic delays on Tuesday morning. 2024D
Minor bingle: A minor accident caused some traffic delays on Tuesday morning. 2024D

Police were called to the scene at 8.38am, with some traffic control needed as the scene was cleaned up.

Senior Constable Paul Scott said the accident was only a minor one.

“A driver has turned right off the Princes Highway, and a female driver has missed the indicator and driven into him,” he said.

The female driver only received minor injuries.

A green Toyota Yaris received extensive damage to the front of the vehicle, with the vehicle moved off the highway by bystanders and the male driver.

Police urge drivers to remain aware of their surroundings when driving.

Read More: Camperdown


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