
General News

26 October, 2023

Mixed results as line upgrades continue

V/LINE has again recorded mixed results in monthly performance as upgrades continue on the Warrnambool line.

By wd-news

Mixed results: V/line’s services proved popular over the school holidays despite ongoing track improvements again stunting timely service.
Mixed results: V/line’s services proved popular over the school holidays despite ongoing track improvements again stunting timely service.

V/LINE has again recorded mixed results in monthly performance as upgrades continue on the Warrnambool line.

Throughout September the Warrnambool line recorded a reliability result of 93.5 per cent.

Of the 186 services scheduled to operate on the line last month, just 12 were cancelled.

The punctuality result for the Warrnambool line in September was 51.2 per cent.

A V/Line spokesperson said the punctuality result was again impacted as crews are undertaking upgrades and improvements at various points along the line as part of Stage two of the Warrnambool line upgrade, which will allow VLocity trains to run to and from Warrnambool for the first time.

“Track Force Protection remains in place to ensure the safety of these workers, meaning trains need to slow down during their journey,” the spokesperson said.

“This is having an impact on the punctuality of services but these temporary speed restrictions enable trains to continue running while works are taking place, as the priority has been to ensure trains can continue to operate while the works progress.

“Alternatively, the line would need to be shut and coaches would replace train services for extended periods.”

V/Line will continue to review the current arrangement and see if any improvements can be made to lift the on-time performance of Warrnambool line trains while works are underway.

Delays were also caused by other factors including an animal strike near Colac on the evening of September 27, which disrupted services in both directions, trespassers and emergency services requests and train faults.

Despite the uneven result, the V/Line spokesperson said the service proved popular with a spike in travel over the school holidays.

“The school holidays again proved popular on the Warrnambool Line with 32,600 trips taken during September as passengers made the most of reduced fares to travel,” the spokesperson said.

“Important upgrades on the Warrnambool Line are progressing and we are continuing to make every effort to reduce delays, while ensuring workers can safely complete these critical works.”


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