
General News

11 July, 2023

More than 460 years of service

DEDICATION and commitment to the wider community of Cobden were recognised at the recent Cobden CFA awards.

By Support Team

Celebration: Cobden CFA members, along with a number from the Jancourt brigade, had their long-term commitments to CFA and protecting the community recognised.
Celebration: Cobden CFA members, along with a number from the Jancourt brigade, had their long-term commitments to CFA and protecting the community recognised.

DEDICATION and commitment to the wider community of Cobden were recognised at the recent Cobden CFA awards.

Cobden group officer Mark Roberts commended all brigade members on their service to the community at the presentation awards held recently.

He said a cumulative 465 years of service was awarded on the night, along with two National Medals and two CFA life memberships

“The awards night was well attended by Cobden members and members of the surrounding brigades including Cobrico, Bostocks Creek and for special awards members of the Jancourt brigade,” Mr Roberts said.

Awards presented on the night were:

• Les Sumner, CFA Life Membership (Jancourt brigade);

• Paul Dwyer, CFA Life Membership (Jancourt brigade);

• Brayden Crow, National Medal;

• Stephen McQuinn, National Medal;

• Matthew Cameron, five year certificate;

• Daniel Crowe, five year certificate;

• Darryn Rethus, five year certificate;

• Matt Robertson, five year certificate;

• Russell Fagan, 10 year medal;

• Abbey Cameron, 15 year medal;

• Brayden Crow, 15 year medal;

• Stephen McQuinn, 15 year medal;

• Darryl Neal, 20 year medal;

• Greg McQuinn, 25 year medal;

• Trevor Roberts, 25 year medal;

• David Robertson, 25 year medal;

• Mark Roberts, 30 year medal;

• Dale Robertson, 30 year medal;

• Trevor Robertson, 30 year medal;

• Ashley Fagan, 40 year medal;

• Neville Robertson, 45 year medal;

• Bill Nelson, 50 year medal; and

• Geoff Fagan, 65 year medal.

Outgoing brigade captain Bill Nelson congratulated all members on their awards, particularly Geoff Fagan on his 65 year recognition.

He encouraged interested members of the community to find out more about CFA and get involved.

Mr Nelson said he was looking forward to taking a “back seat” after 40 years as brigade captain of Cobden CFA.

CFA board member Beth Davidson OAM was in attendance at the awards to present the National Medals and life memberships.

CFA District 6 representative Craig Brittan also attended the night.


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