

16 May, 2024

MPs slam lack of road funding in Vic Budget

CONCERN surrounding the lack of road funding in the Victorian Budget has prompted one MP to implore Premier Jacinta Allen to visit the region.

By wd-news

Budget woes: The opposition has slammed the lack of road funding delivered in the 2024 Victorian Budget, with South West Coast MP Roma Britnell and Lowan MP Emma Kealy stating roads will continue to crumble.
Budget woes: The opposition has slammed the lack of road funding delivered in the 2024 Victorian Budget, with South West Coast MP Roma Britnell and Lowan MP Emma Kealy stating roads will continue to crumble.

Speaking in Parliament last Tuesday, South West Coast MP encouraged the Premier to visit the region and “experience firsthand our absolute atrocious roads, because witnessing them firsthand is the only way to truly comprehend the severity of the situation”.

“Our roads are in such poor condition. They are dangerous,” she said.

“The sheer number of neglected roads in our region is staggering.

“In fact, it has become far easier and less time consuming to compile a list of roads that are in good condition.

“It is a disgrace that an area as vital as South West Coast, which is renowned for its thriving and economically significant food and fibre sector, must deal with such appalling infrastructure.”

Ms Britnell said she had lost count of how many times her office had been contacted by individuals and transport companies sharing their stories of damage sustained while driving which included cracked windscreens, battered chassis, mangled wheel rims and shredded tyres.

“Even more concerning is the effect these conditions are having on driver health,” she said.

“I recently spoke to a truck driver who told me that he needs to wear a support belt to alleviate back pain from the constant jolting he experiences driving on our roads.

“This driver is only in his 30s and his back pain is so bad he cannot even bend over to put his boots on.

“What kind of government allows our roads to deteriorate to the extent that they become a hazardous workplace?”

In addition to injuries, Ms Britnell said the condition of roads was having a severe impact on the efficiency of transport which had a negative impact on the region’s international business competitiveness.

“Addressing the roads issue not only bolsters the economic prospects of the region but also generates income for the state,” she said.

“It is regrettable that the current government fails to grasp this fundamental concept, demonstrating their repeated incompetence in financial management.

“Choosing efficiencies over escalating taxes is not just common sense, it is essential; yet this government insists on burdening hardworking Victorians with unprecedented tax hikes due to their fiscal mismanagement and project blowouts.

“However, beyond financial implications, our neglected roads pose a serious risk to the safety of south west Victorians.

“Every member of our community deserves the peace of mind of a safe journey home each day.”

Member for Lowan Emma Kealy echoed the concerns surrounding road funding, stating Victorians would be “forced to drive on pot-hole riddled roads with crumbing edges that are only going to get much more dangerous”.

Ms Kealy also raised concerns household bills would rise through an increase in the fire service property levy and bin tax, while residents “also face increases to land tax, stamp duty and payroll tax”.

“This is a brutal budget that disregards the cost-of-living crisis and will only make it more difficult for hardworking Victorians,” she said.

“We have seen ongoing financial mismanagement and consistent cost blowouts on metropolitan projects by consecutive Labor governments, and local people will pay for those Melbourne project blowouts through increased fees and charges.


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