15 May, 2024
New environment strategy adopted
CORANGAMITE Shire councillors unanimously adopted a new environmental strategy which aims to do more than just “make people in metropolitan Melbourne feel good”.
The Environment Sustainability Strategy 2024-2035 was adopted at the recent Ordinary Meeting of Council, which creates framework for aspects of environmental strategy and sustainability within council’s business operations and within the community where council can affect change.
Director sustainable development Justine Linley said the strategy was prepared following a co-design process and extensive consultation with the community.
“The strategy aims to build on the work undertaken in the previous Environment Sustainability Strategy but also takes in to account changes in legislation, different practices and advancements during this time,” she said.
“The strategy also provides a framework for council to manage environmental and sustainability practices for the next 10 years, and will be implemented alongside the council plan, 2024 community vision and the Grow and Prosper Framework.
“The strategy’s overall vision is leadership and partnerships in environmental management and sustainable practices underpin our thriving communities, and there are four goals in the strategy that cover the themes of natural assets, climate change, circular economy and sustainable practices.”
The motion to adopt the strategy was moved by Cr Jamie Vogels and seconded by Cr Laurie Hickey.
Cr Vogels said he supported the strategy based on a significant consultation process involving councillors, the community and businesses.
“The work will focus, which is very important, not just on virtue signalling but the practical actions that we can take on in Corangamite,” he said.
“This will help us build a circular economy, make sure that we look after the natural environment in a sustainable way and that we’re prepared and ready to adapt.
“We also have an eye on things that will make a difference here locally, but not contributing to statements or targets that only make people in metropolitan Melbourne feel good.”
Cr Hickey encouraged the community to download the strategy on council’s website to learn more about the possibilities of positive change.
“This is a very good strategy that’s been developed and it has very much got a local focus on it,” he said.
“It’s worth downloading and having a look because it does cover a wide variety of areas that will improve or maintain our sustainability.”
Cr Jo Beard said the strategy included aspects which council had already been working towards.
“A lot of work has gone into it and when you look at it in comparison with other strategies and other policy frameworks that we have, it is significant,” she said.
“I want to reiterate there’s a lot of stuff we have already been doing, and this just reflects the work not only council have been doing over many years, but particularly our communities.
“They’re probably small things to a lot of people, but they’re significant things in the whole scheme of our future sustainability and how we look after future practices.”
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