
General News

8 February, 2024

Noorat talent on display

THERE might just be something in the water at Noorat if you peruse the literary talent to emerge from the village at the foot of the mount.

By wd-news

Noorat talent on display - feature photo

This month a window display at the Noorat Public Hall, opposite the Noorat Hotel on Terang-Mortlake Road, will be home to a display celebrating the authors and their works – all of which is based in, or written by someone from, the little corner of the south west.

Among those included in the display is Jo Kenna, Tania Molony, Mickey Martin, Frances Bryant, Florence Charles, Harold Eller and Anne Kavanagh.

Noorat and District Residents Association president Eve Black said the display was a celebration of the talent and inspirational qualities of Noorat.

“We wanted to show there is more to Noorat than just Alan Marshall,” she said.

Read More: Noorat


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