
General News

20 December, 2022

November rainfall high

NOVEMBER proved to be a wet one for those keeping an eye on rain gauges across Cobden and surrounds.

By Support Team

Rain update: Rainfall remained well above average in November, with roadsides inundated with water.
Rain update: Rainfall remained well above average in November, with roadsides inundated with water.

NOVEMBER proved to be a wet one for those keeping an eye on rain gauges across Cobden and surrounds.

Ongoing bursts of rain throughout the month saw the rainfall figure for November reach 109.8 which was more than double the 54.6 mm which fell for the same time frame last year.

The monthly total was also well above the long-term average of 63.5mm.

To date this year, a total of 964.6mm of rain has hit the ground over Cobden, well above the 860.2mm received for the same time last year.

The wettest day of the month was November 20, which saw 20mm of rain fall.


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