24 July, 2024
Progressing Cobden calls for opinions
PROGRESSING Cobden is set to undergo a review and is calling on the Cobden community to get involved.

On Monday, August 5 a meeting will be held between 6.30pm and 8pm giving residents an opportunity to give their thoughts on Progressing Cobden.
Currently, the organisation’s constitution says: “The purpose of the association is to foster and develop the community of Cobden and district”.
With the assistance of guest facilitator Adam Jenkins, the attendees at the forum will try to answer questions like:
What should Progressing Cobden look like in a few years?
What would you like Progressing Cobden to be doing now?
What does Progressing Cobden do well?
What could Progressing Cobden do better?
How can Progressing Cobden achieve better representation?
Should there even be a Progressing Cobden?
Cobden clubs and organisations, as well as individual community members are invited to attend the meeting.
To ensure a wider cross-section of views about Progressing Cobden, local residents and individual groups have been invited to attend the event in the Heytesbury Room from 6.30pm.
Light refreshments will be shared before the forum, and starting at 7pm the questions at hand will be tackled.
“We need feedback, both positive and negative, so we can improve the way we do things and enhance the results we get,” a Progressing Cobden spokesperson said.
“It’s easy to work away busily in your burrow, often oblivious to constructive suggestions that could have much better outcomes for everyone.
“The forum will be an opportunity to get ideas – from younger and older people, from other groups, from business and from new residents.”
The Progressing Cobden spokesperson said everyone will have an opportunity to have their say.
“Our facilitator will ensure everyone gets a fair go, nobody will get defensive or say, ‘We’ve already tried that, and it didn’t work.” the spokesperson said.
“At 8pm, we’ll all go home very satisfied with our work and the facilitator will return in September with a sound summary of the event and, hopefully, recommendations for the future.”
To get maximum benefit from this review, Progressing Cobden’s annual meeting, normally held in August, has been postponed until a later date.
RSVPs for the event, not just for catering, are required by Thursday, August 1- text names to 0429 921 876.
Read More: Cobden