

10 April, 2024

Ready Now cash boost

MORE than $2800 was directed to local groups and clubs under the last quarter of the Ready Now Grants allocation.

Corangamite Shire Council manager economy and prosperity Katy McMahon said nine applications were lodged, with six approved.

Successful applicants were:

Camperdown Bowling Club Inc, $495 for the purchase of a replacement defibrillator battery;

Camperdown Pastoral and Agricultural Society Inc, $500 towards the cost of water meter relocation;

Terang and District Probus Club Inc, $384 for the purchase of a portable speaker;

Port Campbell Rifle Club Inc, $500 for the purchase of a solar water pump;

Port Campbell Public Purpose Reserve Committee of Management Inc, $500 towards the construction of a portable nine-hole mini golf course; and

Lake Bookaar Recreation Reserve Committee of Management Inc, $500 for purchase of roadside signage.

Ms McMahon said the 2023/24 Quick Response Grants/Ready Now Program (adjusted) budget allocation was $24,253.

She said up until March 14, grants totalling $13,302.64 had been awarded.

“The Ready Now Grants Program provides financial assistance to eligible volunteer-based community groups to undertake beneficial projects and activities,” Ms McMahon said.

“The applications approved for funding are in accordance with the Ready Now Grants Policy and provide positive outcomes for the Corangamite communities.”

Councillors congratulated all successful applicants.

North Ward Cr Nick Cole said the Ready Now Grant program was a way of helping small groups get “those smaller jobs done”.

Cr Laurie Hickey agreed and said it was a “great program”.

Central Ward Cr Ruth Gstrein encouraged groups and organisations needing funding to get their applications in.

“There’s about $11,000 still able to be claimed; so if you’re an organisation with an urgent need to get on to the council website and apply,” she said.


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