
General News

21 June, 2023

Schools farewell junior campus

FORMER students, parents and staff said a final farewell to the Terang College and Hampden Specialist School junior campuses over the weekend.

By Support Team

Saying goodbye: The Terang College and Hampden Specialist School junior campus was farewlled as students prepare to move to the Strong Street campus when a $15 million redevelopment project is completed next term. Pictured is Terang College principal Kath Tanner with centenarian Len Pomeroy and his son Chris, both of whom were students at Terang College’s junior campus, during a farewell walkthrough on Sunday.
Saying goodbye: The Terang College and Hampden Specialist School junior campus was farewlled as students prepare to move to the Strong Street campus when a $15 million redevelopment project is completed next term. Pictured is Terang College principal Kath Tanner with centenarian Len Pomeroy and his son Chris, both of whom were students at Terang College’s junior campus, during a farewell walkthrough on Sunday.

FORMER students, parents and staff said a final farewell to the Terang College and Hampden Specialist School junior campuses over the weekend.

Members of the community from different generations flocked to the High Street campus on Sunday as part of a final walkthrough afternoon tea.

The day presented a bittersweet catharsis for those in attendance, as one chapter closed but another prepares to open in the form of a more than $15 million State Government-funded redevelopment of the Strong Street campus to unite all students at one location.

Visitors on the day shared memories and discussion including the location of a missing 40-year-old time capsule, buried somewhere towards the entrance of the campus, and of the infamous wooden seat – where students would sit when they were in trouble.

Among the former students in attendance was centenarian Len Pomeroy, who said he had “wonderful” memories of his time at Terang College, as well as his son Chris’ time at the school.

Former student Nicole Gregory remembered the role the campus played in ensuring education after the devastation of bushfire in 1983.

“One memory which stands out was during Ash Wednesday, when we took in all these Garvoc kids,” she said.

Former student Mark Fidge said even 45 years later he was still in touch with fellow Terang College students, and felt the culture cultivated at the campus had forged countless friendships over the years.

Now the chief executive officer of South West TAFE, Mr Fidge knows the benefits which could come with the unification of schools following redevelopment.

“It’s sad to see the campus closing, but there will be so many opportunities for the kids moving on to the new site,” he said.

Terang College principal Kath Tanner said having the opportunity to share a farewell with the wider school community had been an important step in the forthcoming transition.

“It’s been really interesting to see all of the generations and family groups come in together, reminiscing over school photos and memories,” she said.

“We’ve had former teachers and principals visiting, so it’s amazing to see how the school holds a special place for the many people with fond memories tied up in the tradition of the school.”

In addition to the open walkthrough on Sunday, a whole school assembly was held at the junior campus on Friday to give current students and staff the opportunity to say their own farewells.

“We’re really excited to have all the students and staff on one site, and we’re excited about the new buildings and establishing a new way of working together,” Mrs Tanner said.

“It’s bittersweet to also be letting go of all the traditions at the campus, but the exciting part is getting to build new traditions as we go.

“Our P-12 assembly last Friday had representation of all different year levels, so they could reminisce about all the things they thought made being part of the campus such a positive experience.”

Terang College P-6 assistant principal Julie-Ann Kelly said the “excited” junior students had been enjoying regular visits to the 5-12 campus to familiarise themselves with their surroundings.

“We’ve been working through a comprehensive transition program for the last few weeks of the term; each Tuesday students have taken a bus to the 5-12 campus to have classes there,” she said.

“We’ve been doing it gradually to get the kids used to it, but it’s not their first time; we do a lot of activities there so the students are aware of it and used to it.

“We’ve had lots of discussions and tasks surrounding the move; last week we had students pack up tubs of equipment ready for them to be moved.

“We wanted them to be accustomed to the move, and acknowledge there are going to be nerves through a period of adjustment, but so far so good.”

Ms Kelly said she was “really, really happy” to see so many people visit the campus on Sunday.

“It’s been really nice seeing so many students I had taught coming back through, talking about things like the wooden seat and the different layouts of the classrooms over the years,” she said.

“There are students and families visiting who haven’t seen each other for years, so it’s a great way for the community to say goodbye.

“The campus has been a huge part of the community for over 160 years now.

“It’s just a really nice way of finishing it.”

New chapter: Terang College assistant principal Michael Castersen principal Kath Tanner, and P-6 assistant principal Julie-Ann Kelly were thrilled to see so many turn out to farewell the school’s junior campus over the weekend.
New chapter: Terang College assistant principal Michael Castersen principal Kath Tanner, and P-6 assistant principal Julie-Ann Kelly were thrilled to see so many turn out to farewell the school’s junior campus over the weekend.

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