
26 June, 2024

Shire youth to have their say

YOUNG people are being asked to share their experiences of living in Corangamite Shire.

By wd-news

Council will hold a Youth Round Table to help shape council’s vision for youth engagement into 2025 and beyond.

Mayor Kate Makin said the open discussion would be an opportunity for council to hear what young people like about living in the Shire and what they feel could be improved.

“Youth engagement is an important focus for council as we aim to build a connected and thriving community that makes our young people feel they are welcomed and valued in community life,” she said.

“Hearing their plans, hopes and dreams, and the challenges they face will help Council support their social and emotional wellbeing at a community level.”

Council will invite 15 young people aged 12-25 to sit down together in the Old Chambers at the Civic Centre on Thursday, July 11 2024, from 10am to 12noon.

“As young people living in Corangamite, what are the things they love about living here?” Cr Makin asked.

“We will be asking what are the biggest issues our young people are experiencing in the Shire.

“What could council do to address those issues? Where would our young residents like to be in five years’ time? What can council do to help them achieve their goals?”

Lunch will be provided and assistance with transport can be arranged.

Young people who want a seat at the table can nominate at

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