
General News

28 June, 2023

St Thomas’ goes a little crazy

STUDENTS went a little crazy raising funds for their school last week.

By Support Team

St Thomas’ Primary School students raised funds for their school with a crazy day last week.
St Thomas’ Primary School students raised funds for their school with a crazy day last week.

STUDENTS went a little crazy raising funds for their school last week.

St Thomas’ Primary School students held a crazy hair and casual dress day on the final day of term last week to raise funds for new equipment for sports and the sandpit area.

The concept was driven by the junior school council, who wanted to support better school facilities while giving their peers a fun and interactive experience.

St Thomas’ acting principal Annalise Bouchier said students showed true leadership.

“Our junior school council comprises two students from each grade, who come together a couple of times each term to discuss things they could do to improve their school,” she said.

“They decided this term to raise money for sandpit and sport equipment.

“It’s good for them to think about how they could improve their school, whether it’s in the garden, equipment, something they would like in their classrooms or even just a way to help in their community.

“They take leadership in talking about the issues which matter to them, and how they can do something about it.”

Ms Bouchier said the students had put a lot of thought and effort in to their crazy hair, with outlandish designs including a vibrant array of colours, styles and decorations.

“They’ve gone to a lot of effort, they’re really excited and they’ve done a great job,” she said.

Students and teachers joined at an assembly in the morning to parade their crazy hair and celebrate their final day before holidays.

“We like to have a school where all the kids have ownership of and feel part of the school community,” Ms Bouchier said.

“Their thoughts and opinions matter, and they will always have a say in the good things which happen to our school.”


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