

14 August, 2024

Strong turnout to PC review

MORE than 40 district residents met last week to review Progressing Cobden’s (PC) governance and operations.

By wd-news

Looking to the future: Adam Jenkins helped facilitate a session reviewing Progressing Cobden last week.
Looking to the future: Adam Jenkins helped facilitate a session reviewing Progressing Cobden last week.

Led by guest facilitator Adam Jenkins, the forum addressed questions circulated in publicity prior to the event.

Organisers were pleased with the response to invitations sent to organisations and the community in general.

“Representatives from sporting and service clubs, the racecourse reserve groups, the recreation reserve, schools, church groups, the fire brigade, Cobdenhealth, the Business Network, PC members, the rail trail, the visitor centre, interest groups, the council as well as many individuals made for a very diverse and positive roll-up,” Progressing Cobden spokesman Kelvin White said.

“Everyone showed they had thought about the issues in the lead-up to the meeting.

“Contributions were plentiful, some slightly left-field, others more on the conservative side but all very well-considered.”

Mr White said a real plus was the facilitator who was excellent.

“He kept things moving while ensuring the mood was always light and enjoyable,” he said.

“Adam has also volunteered to collate all the feedback so it can be fed back to the review group to form some recommendations for the beneficiary of the review, Progressing Cobden, to take on board.”

Read More: Cobden


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