

11 December, 2024

Students learn about staying safe online

SIMPSON Primary School students in grade 2 to 6 learnt the importance of cyber safety recently.

By wd-news

Important message: Senior Constable Brooke Pollock and Senior Constable John Keats from the Warrnambool Police station spoke to Simpson Primary School about cyberbullying.
Important message: Senior Constable Brooke Pollock and Senior Constable John Keats from the Warrnambool Police station spoke to Simpson Primary School about cyberbullying.

Students had a visit from Warrnambool Police senior constables John Keats and Brook Pollock who spoke about cyberbullying.

“John and Brooke explained how this behaviour can take many forms, including exclusion, verbal abuse, and even physical threats made online,” school wellbeing officer Emily Bentley said.

“Cyberbullying can happen across various platforms such as social media, messaging apps and gaming apps, making it even more important for students to understand the signs and take action when necessary.

“The officers emphasised that one of the most important ways we can combat cyberbullying is by being upstanders rather than bystanders.”

The police members encouraged students to take proactive steps if they witness or experience cyberbullying.

“This can involve blocking the person who is bullying them or sending hurtful messages, leaving online groups or platforms where bullying is occurring, and calling out inappropriate or hurtful behaviour in a respectful and supportive way,” Ms Bentley said.

“Above all, students were encouraged to talk to a trusted adult – whether it’s a parent, teacher, grandparent, or school counsellor – about any online bullying or harmful behaviour they encounter.

“John and Brooke reminded students that being an upstander can make a big difference in stopping cyberbullying and supporting those who are affected by it.

“They also stressed the importance of protecting personal information online and being cautious about what is shared with others, as this can help reduce the risk of becoming a target.”

Parents can seek support through if they are unsure of whether an online platform is age appropriate for their child.

Read More: Simpson


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