

10 April, 2024

Students learn to lead

SIMPSON Primary School’s house leaders got an opportunity to develop their leadership skills recently.

Conference: Simpson Primary School house leader (back row) Archer Crole, Ollie Ferrari, Cooper Beecher, (front row) Indiannah Collins, Imogen McVilly and Fin Mahoney attended the Student Leaders Congress at Deakin University Warrnambool.
Conference: Simpson Primary School house leader (back row) Archer Crole, Ollie Ferrari, Cooper Beecher, (front row) Indiannah Collins, Imogen McVilly and Fin Mahoney attended the Student Leaders Congress at Deakin University Warrnambool.

The six students attended the Students Leaders Congress at Deakin University which saw more than 200 students from across the region attend.

School principal Melissa Berry said students heard from community leaders and inspiring individuals who shared their stories and helped students think about what it means to be a leader.

“The second part of the day was spent brainstorming a project that participants can lead at their school to have an impact on students’ health and wellbeing,” she said.

Mrs Berry said the students are working with Simpson Primary School Parent’s Club on the school’s Foodbank ‘Food Fight’.

“We will be having this on Monday, April 22 after the school cross country,” she said.

“It’s a day of mental health and wellbeing activities.

“The main focus that the house leaders wanted is, all students in each class will be also writing a ‘positive affirmation’ about each other on their white t-shirts before the ‘food fight’.”

Read More: Simpson


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