12 March, 2025
Timboon celebrates 150 years
THE Labour Day weekend marked the 150th anniversary of Timboon, bringing a large array of festivities with it to celebrate the momentous occasion.

The event kicked off on Thursday, March 6, with a 50-year-old time capsule being lifted from the ground outside the front of Timboon District Hall.
The time capsule was first lowered in 1975 and first brought up 25 years later, in 2000, before being lowered again.
Now, another 25 years on, the Timboon Lions Club elected to lift it again to see how well everything had been preserved inside and offer the contents to their rightful owners.
Camperdown Lions Club member Bill Duncanson, originally from Timboon, shed light on how the time capsule was able to keep everything preserved for so long.
“The actual cylinder itself was a piece of a chimney stack, from somewhere in Warrnambool, and it was all painted up for this,” he said.
“It has two valves on it, one to push nitrogen in, and the other one to let the oxygen out, so all the photos will be as good as they were put in when they come up.”
Timboon Lions Club president Owen Wallace said hewill be on the search for anyone who doesn’t claim their items.
“We’ll put what’s not collected in a box and I’ll try and trace them all,” he said.
“After a period of time, before this goes back down, if they haven’t come to collect it, it’ll go back in again.”
Saturday, March 8 and Sunday, March 9 saw blue skies for the bulk of the Timboon 150 celebrations, boasting a street parade, displays by the Historical Society, wood chopping, a train for the kids, a picnic cabaret in the evening and a market on the Sunday morning.
Many more activities and opportunities to learn about all Timboon has to offer both now and throughout history were showcased on the busy weekend.
Read More: Timboon