1 May, 2024
Timboon Probus Club Notes
THE new president Charles Martin welcomed members and guest speakers to our April meeting and the Probus song was sung as usual.
Sue then introduced guest speakers from South West Health Timboon Fiona Hanel, complete care co-ordinator and regional assessment service officer Tanya Wines, director of community health and Taya Thompson – community care officer.
Fiona spoke of maintaining independence in the life you would choose to live, rather than creating dependence.
This begins with registering with My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or
The questions answered here will be sent to Fiona, who looks after the southern part of the Corangamite Shire.
Fiona then visits for an assessment of your surroundings and needs which are then fed into the system where Taya, as community care officer will proceed.
Referrals come through on a “needs” basis. Service at home can be cleaning, shopping, cooking, lawn mowing, meals on wheels, transport, social support, etc.
The maximum amount of assistance is two hours a week. There is a small cost for services dependent on being a self-funded retiree or on a pension.
The speakers were thanked by Sue and invited to share our morning tea.
Business meeting was then conducted, and correspondence included a letter from Terang Probus inviting our club to a combined clubs meeting to discuss the idea of sharing ideas and combining trips; from East Malvern Probus regarding their Website link on new ideas; Christians Bus Co. information on their Theatre Bus Trips to Melbourne.
We have just enjoyed our Mystery Bus Trip which ended in Apollo Bay and the most delicious fish, chips and Watermelon Salad ever, and then zigzagged all the way home through many different back roads.
Our Dining Out Group met at the Lake Edge Cafe Camperdown this week, the food was lovely and the weather agreed, an enjoyable day.
Early next month some of our members are pooling cars and will travel to Camperdown for the Theatre Company’s “Freaky Friday” and suggestions have been made for members to walk/bike ride along the rail trail from Timboon to Schultz Cafe next month. Could be interesting.
Marlene spoke on the proposed four day trip to King Island in November and names are to be in by April 26.
One last report from the club bowlers till next season and they reported a good second place win at the Ararat Probus Day recently and another fourth place win at the Warrnambool Probus Day last week.
Except one member of our other team, reported he had emptied his pockets to send his wife off shopping for the day in Warrnambool, and apparently she returned with a big smile and no change. Really, what else did he expect.
The meeting ended with some of our members telling us about the recent achievements of their family members. Next meeting May 6, 10am at the Timboon Golf Club, new members very welcome.
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