

6 March, 2024

Unicorns in to grand final

UNITED Unicorns have made their way to the grand final of the Cobden senior tennis competition.

By wd-news

Unicorns in to grand final - feature photo

The preliminary final will be played between Carpendeit Cats and Cobden Cougars.

Last weekend’s senior round results were as follows:

United Unicorns five sets, 49 games defeat Cobden Cougars four sets, 45 games.

Blake Sealey and Isaac McVilly def Brad Gillingham and Troy Groves 6-4.

Nicole McVilly and Anita Chivell def Hayley Cameron and Michelle Beard 6-3.

Holly Duynhoven and Mia McVilly def Adam Jopling and Hannah Morrison 6-4.

Blake Sealey and Holly Duynhoven lost to Brad Gillingham and Adam Jopling 5-7.

Nicole McVilly and Mia McVilly def Hayley Cameron and Hannah Morrison 6-3.

Isaac McVilly and Anita Chivell def Troy Groves and Michelle Beard 7-5.

Blake Sealey and Nicole McVilly lost to Brad Gillingham and Hayley Cameron 4-6.

Isaac McVilly and Holly Duynhoven lost to Troy Groves and Adam Jopling 5-7.

Anita Chivell and Mia McVilly lost to Michelle Beard and Hannah Morrison 4-6.

Carpendeit Cats five sets, 40 games defeated Jancourt Jets four sets, 36 games.

Keith Morrison and Austin De Bie lost to Sofyan Sage and Fiona Kent 2-6.

Mitchell Plozza and Connor Burgin lost to Jack Plozza and Christine Burgin 3-6.

Aregawi Chivell and Charlotte Plozza def Eli Dwyer and Kiera Goodridge 6-3.

Keith Morrison and Aregawi Chivell lost to Sofian Sage and Eli Dwyer 2-6.

Mitchel Plozza and Charlotte Plozza def Jack Plozza and Kiera Goodridge 6-2.

Austin De Bie and Connor Burgin def Fiona Kent and Christine Borgin 6-3.

Keith Morrison and Mitchell Plozza lost to Sofyan Sage and Jack Plozza 3-6.

Austin De Bie and Aregawi Chivel def Fiona Kent and Eli Dwyer 6-2.

Connor Burgin and Charlotte Plozza def Christine Burgin and Kiera Goodridge 6-3.

In the junior competition, results were as follows:

Adidas five sets, 32 games defeated Babolat three sets, 28 games.

Oliver Clark def Patrick Spokes 6-1.

Keith Morrison and Charlotte Dean def Henry Delaney and Quinn Clark 6-4.

Louis Delaney and Mateo Boyd lost to Noah Boyd and Alex Gubbins 0-6.

Oliver Clark and Charlotte Dean def Patrick Spokes and Quinn Clark 6-0.

Kevin Morrison and Louis Delaney def Henry Delaney and Noah Boyd 6-4.

Mateo Boyd and Oscar Zonneveld lost to Alex Gubbins and Annabelle Blackford 0-6.

Oliver Clark and Keith Morrison def Patrick Spokes and Henry Delaney 6-1.

Charlotte Dean and Louis Delaney lost to Quinn Clark and Noah Boyd 2-6.

Asics four sets, 39 games defeated Wilson four sets, 37 games.

Zoe Morrison lost to Edward Delaney 2-6.

Fred Dean and Michael Katsaros def Hannah Morrison and Jasmine Plozza 6-2.

Tiah Moloney and Jack Gilmour lost to Emily Plozza and Elizabeth Plozza 5-6.

Zoe Morrison and Michael Katsaros lost to Edward Delaney and Jasmine Plozza 4-6.

Fred Dean and Tiah Moloney def Hannah Morrison and Emily Plozza 6-3.

Jack Gilmour and Keira Goodridge lost to Elizabeth Plozza and Izzy Moloney 4-6.

Zoe Morrison and Fred Dean def Edward Delaney and Hannah Morrison 6-5.

Michael Katsaros and Tiah Moloney def Jasmine Plozza and Emily Plozza 6-3.

Read More: Cobden


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